Did you know? Castor oil is used in manufacturing lipsticks, shampoos, plastics and many more products? Or are you still confused with what this magical substance really is?
Starting with a little preface of what castor oil actually is, it is a substance (very thin and ghastly looking) that is made up of castor beans and other chemicals and acids present in it, that helps overcome skin as well as machine problems.
It is acknowledged as one of the best home remedies and also acts as a life-saving element for all machine problems because of its highly vital properties. So still confused as to how this benefits us? Well, here are 10 and the best 10 things that this oil can help us with:
10. Ringworm
Well, this is one unfortunate problem a lot of people face at any given point in their life. It doesn’t occur with increasing age and neither is it hereditary, it just happens in the form of breakouts. Ringworm is basically a condition of itching on a continuous basis.
Castor oil includes an acid named undecylenic acid that has important properties of reducing redness caused by continuous itching. As itching is reduced, the spots on the body also vanish (it has a great healing capacity.)
9. Acne
Acne is a primary problem. It makes us feel absolutely defeated at all times because these marks and pimples don’t wish to leave our skin soon.
Castor oil is highly recommended in this case because it contains a very high percentage of ricinoleic acid which is supposed to be the best solution for acne breakouts. It even helps one fight the problem of black heads and white heads.
8. Fine lines and scars
Fine lines and scars are most probable when one’s aging. Fine lines are formed when we’re aging and when our skin is bound to get drier and thinner. It gives a very worn out and aged look to our body and so, in order to get rid of these fine lines and scars, castor oil is the magic spell. What it does is, it goes beneath your skin (once applied) and helps heal those scars and fine lines with the presence of effective acids in it. So, the issue of ugly break outs reduces in time.
7. Moisturizer/Lubricant
Dry skin directly leads to break out problems (You know you can blame your climate.) However, it’s unfortunate as we’re helpless in this case. The only solution to this unfortunate happening is castor oil. We often find ourselves in the middle of too many options, but then this is the most natural way of getting rid of dry skin. Castor oil makes it a point to moisturize all the layers of your skin and making it glow more. It allows the skin to breathe as it clears all the pores as well.
In industries and factories, it acts as a brilliant lubricant for jammed machine parts and other such machine breakdowns.
6. Hair growth
Facing hair fall? Or is the volume of your hair a very alarming issue? These problems are very pervasive in today’s times. Because of our hectic schedule, we can’t pay much attention to how stress is taking over most of our mood. Breakouts on the skin, hair fall etc. are emerging problems. So, for this to be solved, you can mix up castor oil with some other oil such as coconut or almond oil and apply it on your scalp every time before you wash your hair.
This oil is used to increase the flow and circulation of blood in our body and that’s how it acts as a remedy for hair growth and good skin.
5. Joint pains
Because of its significant properties of making the blood circulation faster, this oil is responsible for giving strength to the bones and joints of our body. Joint pains are most common among athletes and old aged people. So before you think of any chemicals or drugs, castor oil is right at your service!
Do this twice a week and you’ll feel like you’re in seventh heaven.
4. Immunity
Often, due to unforeseen circumstances or sometimes due to increasing health issues, our immunity gets too low to get used to our body actions. We feel lazy, drowsy and get really clumsy. This can get really serious later, if not taken care of. So castor oil, when put to use in this situation, helps in increasing the blood cell count in our body and helps the blood flow faster, helping it reach all parts of the body.
Did you know? Castor oil can trigger your immunity in less than 24 hours!
3. Stretch marks
A huge hassle among teenagers today. Sometimes, when we lose some weight from a particular body part, we tend to get marks that are basically contracting and expanding marks (often known as stretch marks.) And so, to solve this, castor oil makes its way inside one’s skin, clears all the pores and lines that cause these marks to erupt on the skin and prevents it from happening again.
It is the best solution for stretch marks and even a dermatologist would recommend the usage of castor oil.
2. Constipation
Okay, let’s discuss this problem in detail; shall we? For those of you who know too little about constipation, it is a situation where the movement of waste in your body becomes hay wire, preventing you from having it thrown out of your system and sometimes, makes it impossible to make its way out. Also, this is one of the most common problems that is faced by almost everyone today. It is influenced by factors like incorrect food habits, missing meals, having the wrong liquids, etc.
How does castor oil help? This oil has to be to have at least thrice a day in order to get the flow of your stool in the body started. It increases the blood flow and helps one release pain (as already discussed previously.)
Ah, long live castor oil.
1. Sunburn
A very common occurrence indeed. The skin is exposed to the ultraviolet rays of the sun at levels which can permanently destroy it. This unfortunate problem of sunburn can’t be prevented, but can definitely be cured.
Sun burn is when the skin cells of your body die because of the heat resulting in break outs that are majorly visible. And so, in order to get rid of these marks, castor oil is our fairy god mother! Thanks to all the fatty acids that this oil contains, it penetrates right into all the layers of the skin, scratching the dullness out permanently from there and making sure that it doesn’t get too adverse if applied regularly. It also removes all those pigments in the tissues that result in the formation of these breakouts.
And so, castor oil is a savior from a lot of problems that happen to and around us in our day to day lives. Because of its effective results, doctors from all over the world suggest this oil.
Thanks for all these info.. For developing immunity, what’s the quantity of castor oil intake..and at what intervals.. ( Daily how many times )