Million of species such as bugs that exist nowadays play an essential role in our environment. We need these species, there’s no escape. Though almost all of them are considered to transmit diseases. For sure, we really don’t like insects and of course the one which is dangerous worldwide.
Below are the 25 most dangerous bugs in the world.
1. Deer Tick
Each year, thousands of individuals are infected by Lyme disease through the species called Deer Tick. Lyme disease starts with some rashes encircling the bite which is similar to an eye of a bull. As time goes by, the target will soon suffer heart problems and stiff joints. Few of its victims die from the illness but mostly they suffer for years.
2. Termites
Even if termites are considered harmless in word’s typical sense because of its importance to a few cultural diets and to our environment, they still give major damage to infrastructure and crops.
3. Lice
These species are wingless hunters that live on the body of the host’s skin or other secretions like blood. Averagely, there are around 15 different species found in the human host’s head. However, in comparison to termites, they are not considered dangerous to humans, but they have the capability to spread diseases.
4. Army Ants
This type of ants is well known to be as a predator and for their aggressiveness. Compare to other ants species, army ants don’t build their own permanent nest, instead, they’re building their own colonies to move to one area to another. These ants continually move throughout the day and prey small vertebrates and other insects. The fact is, every day, the whole colony can prey animals and insects up until 500,000.
5. Human Botflies
These species have larvae which can transport parasites that are threatening to the lives of human. American Warble Flies or Torsalo are the other names for it. It’s usually transferred by ticks and mosquitoes. Once a mosquito carries the human botfly’s larva and lands to the skin of the human, the larva is then being dropped and stays to the human skin. Few days after, it matures under the skin’s layer which may lead to crucial infection if treatment is not given immediately.
6. Yellow Jackets
Most of the yellow jackets are considered as a pest, however, North America’s yellowjacket is aggressive and bold. Once triggered, they sting painfully and repetitively. Their aggressors will be marked and pursue them once triggered.
7. Parasitic Worms
This type of worm is included in eukaryotic parasite which being nourished through the absorption of their hosts’ nutrient via blood sucking. Most of these species are well known to stay in the hosts’ digestive tract that causes vomiting, nausea, insomnia, and a lot of other issues.
8. Black Widows
Usually, the first thing that comes to our mind when thinking about dangerous spiders is the Black Widow. Black Widow’s (Female) sting can be dangerous to humans because of its neurotoxins released. Nevertheless, if medical care is given as soon as possible, the pain as bite’s effect can be limited.
9. Black Spitting Thick Tail Scorpion
Even though it does not fit the category of bugs, it’s one of the most hazardous scorpion species. A lot of these scorpions are living in South Africa, typically found in deserts. Black Spitting are well known in their thin claws and thick tails. They have the capability of spitting out venom via their tails. The stings of these scorpions may cause paralysis, pain, and even death to every human.
10. Puss Caterpillars
Don’t be deceived by the looks of these furry and cute caterpillars even if their name has similarity to pussy cats. Puss Caterpillars has a hidden spine that can lead to a severe painful reaction after its contact to human skin. Sometimes, it can lead to difficulty of breathing, chest pain, or numbness.
11. Cockroaches
These species are well-known to be a disease-carrier and they convey several illness agents which can be harmful to humans. A short trivia for you, cockroaches can live without water and food for months!
12. Bed Bugs
A human parasite that’s long standing. Even though these bugs will not cause you death or excruciating pain, their bites may lead to allergic symptoms and negative psychological effects.
13. House Centipede
These species are well-known for their forcipules (venom claws pair). House centipedes’ bite is very painful which can cause swelling (severe) that may last for how many days that’s why they are dangerous to humans.
14. Assassin Bugs
Assassin Bugs are known to be a carrier of Chagas disease. Individuals who stay in a rural and poor part of the U.S.A are the ones who are always infected.
15. Bullet Ants
These species are called bullet ants since the stung of it is like a gunshot. An unabated and throbbing pain is usually the effect of bullet ant’s bite that may last for a day or more.
16. Anopheles Mosquito
Anopheles mosquito is well-known carrier of malaria and other diseases. They are responsible for the numbers of epidemics in some tropical regions around the world.
17. Rat Fleas
These species are identified for being rodents’ parasite and the main bubonic plague vectors. Rat Fleas act as a host to tapeworms which may carry diseases that are life-threatening to one individual via its eggs.
18. Africanized Honey Bees
These bees are typically called “killer bees” due to its capability of killing humans once attacked. African Honey Bees are the most defensive one. Their group invaded the whole swarms of the European and let a new queen sit up to the throne after the African Honey Bees killed the European queen. For defense, they are deploying in large numbers and apparently can kill anyone who attacks their hives.
19. Brown Recluse
Compare to the Black Widow, this type of spider does not release neurotoxin, however, the bite of the spider can give lesions and can destroy tissue which can take several months to be healed.
20. Fleas
Even though fleas are not as hazardous as what we thought, this species transmits few illnesses between people and animals. Throughout history, fleas have played a role in facilitating things such as the bubonic plague.
21. Brazillian Wandering Spiders
Phoneutria is the other name of Brazilian Wandering Spiders. These species are defensive and venomous that stays in Central America and South America. Due to its toxicity, these kinds of spider are considered most venomous according to Guinness Book of World Record, 2010.
22. Fire Ants
These ants are part of the stinging ants which can be identified through their darker abdomen and brown copper head. Fire ants usually bite and spray a formic acid towards the attackers that may lead to pain, irritation, and in severe cases, may lead to death.
23. Siafu Ants
This type of ants is almost the same as army ants as they move in columns. Siafu ants have very powerful jaws and normally leave 2 puncture wounds once removed. These ants can’t kill humans and a huge number can effortlessly immobilize and kill small animals.
24. Asian Hornet or Giant Japanese
Most of these Giant Japanese stay in Japan (rural areas) and also called as “giant sparrow bee.” These species are not characteristically aggressive. They only attack people when they are threatened. Nevertheless, the venom of the nervous system can attack a human’s nervous system and can die with only one sting.
25. Tsetse Flies
Tsetse Flies are also known as “tik tik” flies. This type of flies is large biting, which lives through vertebrate animal’s blood. Tsetse flies live in Africa (mid continental), specifically nearby Sahara Desert. These flies carry trypanosome, a chemical that can cause sleeping sickness to people.