Anyone could be discouraged with the controversial happenings in our surroundings nowadays, and because of that, everyone needs to laugh often. Life is precious and short to spend it being upset about the things that are out of control. Laugh it out instead. Below are 25 reasons to laugh out loud often as need:
1. Laughter can make you feel young
Because of wrinkles and tightened muscles, the amount of stress can be seen on the face. Tension from our neck, head, head, and face is released when we are laughing and creates a youthful appearance.
2. Helps in pain management
According to the University of Oxford, a vital role is played by laughter: to increase everyone’s pain tolerance by releasing endorphin (pain reliever hormone). Try to laugh if you’re in pain, but if it’s serious, you need to go to the hospital.
3. Laughter relaxes and eases muscle tension
Muscles are being relaxed all over the body, especially the muscles in our abdomen, face, neck, and shoulder because a burst of laughter can ease tension. A convulsive response happens when we have an explosion of uncontrolled laughter; which helps to lose the muscular tension and to mobilize breathing.
4. Stress hormone levels are reduced by laughter
People who have a positive mindset and always laugh have a consistently low level of stress hormone. When this hormone level goes down, the body will feel relaxed and emotionally rested.
5. Improves the Blood Flow
Laughter can cause expansion of endothelium, a tissue that comprises blood vessel lining, creating a better flow of blood in the body.
6. Increases HGH
The anti-aging hormone (HGH) is increased by 87% when there is a good laugh, according to Loma Linda University.
7. Reduces the risk of heart disease
Laughing helps increase blood oxygenation and restores blood circulation. Therefore, there is a lower risk of cardiovascular disease, heart attacks, and stroke when the blood flow increased.
8. Helps your Heart
University of Maryland Medical Center had a study between the relation of heart health and individuals who always laugh. As per research, people who have heart disease laughs a little by 40% compared to the individuals that have no heart disease.
9. Boosts your Immune System
Laughter aids the agents of the immune system (lymphocytes, T cells, B Cells, and NK cells) to function well and keeps the stress hormone under control, according to the National Cancer Institute.
10. Improves coping skills
Due to laughter, the brain releases stress reliever endorphins, which help people to cope up with stressful situations. Laughter also decreases the dopamine and cortisol, the stress-inducing hormones.
11. Provides faster healing
According to scientific research, laughter helps us to recover quickly from some ailments by lowering blood pressure, immune function boosting, and decreasing stress hormones.
12. Lowers blood sugar level
Laughter is best for people with diabetes. A study was performed on 19 diabetic patients. It was found out that laughter aided in suppressing blood sugar through improving the glucose ratio excursion in an insufficient insulin action after eating a meal.
13. Improves sleeping
More melatonin, the hormone that’s released by our brain at our sleep onset, is produced when laughing at night, according to Japanese researchers. Watching comedy shows may be the best idea before going to bed.
14. Laughter is also a form of exercise
Laughter is also a kind of exercise. It exercises the shoulders, abdomen, and diaphragm. Nevertheless, quitting your gym is not an option to swap it for a laughing plan for you to have a good shape.
15. Makes you look attractive
Attractiveness is increased by laughing. If the person is funny and witty, it’s easier to be physically intimate. Crack your joke starting today. Check out these top 10 reasons why you have to smile everyday.
16. Laughter Improves One’s Self-Image
Laughter influences everyone’s self-image, especially men. It gives men a sense of pride when someone laughs at their jokes. For the ladies out there, reaching a man’s heart is by laughing at his jokes.
17. Aggression is reduced by laughter
Laughter allows everyone to relax as it cuts tension. Laugher aids in reducing stress hormones and helps to relax our muscles; it helps everyone to become less aggressive and calmer.
18. Energizes organs
Laughter aids in controlling the stress hormones, improves the blood flow, and gives tons of exercise. Laughter can be a wake-up call to our body organs like the brain, lungs, and heart and provokes them to act.
19. Laughter Facilitates digestion
Laughter facilitates digestion. As per research, it can aid in the relief of IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome).
20. Increases Lifespan
Laughter promotes longer life. According to a 20-year study, 7.8 more years are added for those individuals who have a positive outlook.
21. Laughter saves medical expenses by 30%
In the western part of Japan, some doctors provide the elderly with medical programs that include laughter therapy and physical training. Fortunately, 92% of them reported having 30% lesser medical cost annually after having those therapies.
22. Laughter promotes easier Breathing
Laughter clears out lungs and lung capacity increases by lets the stale air out, therefore allows fresh air to come into most areas of our lungs. Laughter also gives you longer exhales, which forces stale air out, and the amount of oxygen within our lungs increases.
23. Encourages Creativity
Laughter causes everyone to think reasonably, and it boosts our creativity. Laughter is always considered a creative thinking kind of exercise.
24. Person’s productivity is improved by laughter
Laughter has positive effects on productivity, according to some studies. Person’s positive mood allows efficiency for artistic problem-solving. It also gives motivation, more energy, and optimism towards work.
25. Improves relationships
A couple who have laughter meditation sessions improves a lot on their relationships, as per studies. For those families who always laugh have a greater bond and can do great in balancing a stressful life.