Millions of objects inside your house may attract bacteria, dirt and dust. The first thing that comes into your mind is the bathroom, right? However, there are a lot of places and things that are dirtier than your bathroom. The list below are the 25 things that are dirtier than your toilet.
25. Restaurant Menus
The bacteria on restaurant menus averagely have 100x more bacteria compared to a toilet seat. The worst thing, these menus are being touched by numerous people every day between customers and waiters who are the carrier of viruses and bacteria with their hands.
24. Kitchen Sponges
The dirtiest thing inside your house is the sponge. It has approximately 10M bacteria/ which is almost a quarter of a million times dirtier than your toilet. Sponges absorb fecal matter from a person to cows and other numbers of bacteria. It’s highly recommended to change your kitchen sponge right now!
23. Ice
According to a fast food chain research in the United States, it was found out that the ice that they have served has more germs compared to the water of the toilet for about 70%. It’s due to the ice machine, which is not clean, that creates a cultivation ground for E. coli. Furthermore, other servers use your cup to scoop the ice instead of using the real ice scoop, thus adding bacteria on it.
22. Restroom Floors
It’s not a surprise, public restrooms have more than two million bacteria per square inch. Averagely, the toilet seat has 50 every square inch only.
21. Office Desks
Compared to a toilet, office desks have 400x more germs. It’s due to the several materials found on it like a keyboard and mouse, phone, printer, drinking mug, and a lot more!
20. Keyboards
The keyboards have 200x more germs vs. a toilet seat, most especially the ones that are being used by numbers of people in one day. After contact, the bacteria stay for hours or perhaps days.
19. Cellphones
In comparison to toilet seats, mobile devices have 10x more bacteria. These devices often touch our fingertips and faces.
18. Toothbrushes
Whenever your toilet is flushed, the dirty germs may transport up to 6ft and can stay for 2 hrs. Most of them go to toothbrushes.
17. Chopping Boards
Compared to your toilet, chopping boards have more poop smeared. Apparently, raw meat is a carrier of large amount of bacteria (fecal) and meat is often left on the cutting board.
16. Carpets
Carpets have 200,000 bacteria/sq. inch and obviously 4000x dirtier compared to the seat of the toilet. People shed 1.5M skin cells per hour that helps feed the germs that are living in the carpet.
15. Refrigerator
We are keeping our food in the fridge for it to avoid spoilage. Ironically, by doing it, the food can be contaminated with E. coli and some bacteria. Occasionally, they are being set warm and leak victim from raw meats. Mostly, due to irregular cleaning of the fridge. Nevertheless, for contamination to be avoided, the refrigerator should be always kept clean and cold.
14. Recyclable Shopping Bags
People don’t realize the bacteria of some raw and other meats are left inside (when the groceries are being packed inside the recyclable shopping bags) which includes E. coli. They also stay inside the cars, and the bacteria multiply when warm out. Worst case scenario, after use, it’s not regularly cleaned, therefore the bacteria spread.
13. Remote Control of Television
The TV’s remote control is recognized as the dirtiest thing inside the hotel rooms. Whenever people hold the remote while sick or while eating, all the germs and dirt pass from the hand of the person towards the remote, which is cleaned rarely. You can wipe it with Clorox wipes the next time when you clean.
12. Door Knobs
Germophobes don’t like to handle and touch the doorknobs with bare hands because of some reasons. Bacteria love to stay at the doorknobs which are liable for spreading diseases throughout offices and homes.
11. Light Switch
The bacteria that a light switch can have can be as far as 217 bacteria/ It’s turned on and turned off using the hands that touched a lot of dirt. An individual can catch the germs from a person who touched the same switch.
10. Money
Money may have as far as 200,000 bacteria. Washing your hands after holding it may be a nice idea.
9. Kitchen Sink
The sink of the kitchen carries dirty dishes, raw meat, and bacteria from the hands. It holds more fecal bacteria compared to a toilet that’s being flushed. The recommendation of an expert is to flush it after the raw meat handling and wipe it with disinfectant regularly.
8. Bathtub
The bathtub around the drain area alone can reach up to 19,468 germs/
7. Mattress
The great dust collector is the mattress. After a decade, it may double its weight due to the amount of dust mite and its poop that your mattress has collected.
6. Pet’s Bowl of Food
The rim inside the bowl alone may have 2,110 bacteria/sq. in. After eating, you’re cleaning your plate, right? You can also clean the bowl of your pets too.
5. Draperies
Dander, magnets for fur, debris, dust mites, and molds stay in draperies, unknowingly absorbing it all. Every now and then, your drapes need to be washed, especially if you have allergies.
4. Shower Heads
Everyone would think that the water which comes out from the spigot, that’s designed to clean our body, is hygienic right? However, the moist, the warm, and the dark insides of showers’ head are excellent for bacteria’s breeding ground.
3. Handbags and Purses
Purses normally contain a lot of dirty stuff such as cash, coins, and your phone. Cleaning out the bag of yours regularly may keep the bacteria from accumulation.
2. Pillow
Dust mites, fungal spores, other body secretions and pollen are all floating around your pillow where you place your head at night. Have a good night!
1. How come that the toilet is cleaner?
Simply because we normally clean them. Generally, we think that toilets are the dirtiest, thus we are cleaning it with lots of disinfectants. However, some of the things that are being touched by our body are rarely cleaned.