As Memorial Day Weekend approaches, we’d like to take a moment of silence to remember that these USA-themed party favors actually exist.
These items you’re about to see are by far the most American party favors ever made and likely are used by people around the world to mock us. Win-win. Check it out.
The Bravest Cornhole Ever

The amount of America in this picture is over-whelming.
This Hammock
Need a place to hang out at the party? This American flag hammock is perfect for you too lounge in all of your freedoms.
American Flag Pizza with Bacon
Is pizza a party favor? Oh well, it should be. The stripes are made of BACON. Need we say more.
A Cake with Sparklers for Candles
Is there anything that could possibly be more American in this world than a strangely tall cake that represents American inside and out and is adorned with sparklers for candles? Nah.
This America Flag Beer Pong Table
An American sport complete with an excessively American table. Perfect.
American Flag Quilt
It looks like a lot of work but it would surely be remembered.
These shorts
Okay, so these shorts aren’t technically party favors, but these way-too-shorts are frequently worn at Memorial Day and Fourth of July celebrations and therefore get a mention for being an overly American addition to summer cook-outs.