The world consists of fans and fanatics, stoners and addicts, robbers and kleptomaniacs, drinkers and alcoholics, killers and serial killers. You come into the latter categories as soon as you overindulge in a habit. You repeat it obsessively with an urge to never stop...
Category - Bizarre
Top 10 Fun Productive Things to do in Prison
After a judge reads your sentence and you are pronounced guilty, your world stops for few seconds. You begin to dread the prison life. The lyrics “Animals, animals…trapped, trapped, trapped like animals” start ringing in your head. A scary image of a jail as a...
Top 10 Difficulties Lefties Face In Everyday Life
The world is designed for right-handed people which is a curse for the left-handed people. Throughout the history, lefties have been the victims of bitter experiences that come their way in everyday life associated with being a lefty. Since the lefties are 10%-12% of...
Top 10 Definite Proofs of Reincarnation
Deja Vu is “It has happened before.” Reincarnation is “I have lived another life before”. You may choose to believe the theory of reincarnation or scoff at it, but you can’t ignore the fact that it might be possible. No one has answers to...
Top 10 Most Intelligent Robberies and Heists ever
With technology, advanced security systems and today it is almost impossible to get away with robbery. Yet, have all this lead the way to a crime-free world? Clearly no. It is not primarily because these technologies are useless, but because criminals know the...
Top 15 Biggest Diamonds in The World
Diamonds have fascinated people since the ancient times. They are very popular and are widely sought for their non-breakable and shining properties. They are the symbol of anniversaries, weddings and celebrations and also symbolize eternal love. These April...
Top 12 Weird Mormon Beliefs
Religion is as vast a subject as Universe. Just like Universe, it expands, modifies and extinguishes in some parts each day. Every person on this Earth puts his faith into something. There are followers of Jesus Christ, Prophet, Hindu Gods, Satan, nature and then there...
Top 15 Bad Luck Superstitions
“Nobody gets justice. People only get good luck or bad luck.” That is what Orson Welles said. And let’s face it life is seventy-five percent hard-work and twenty-five percent luck. While good luck seems rather elusive; bad luck is apparently easy to bring on. Here is a...
Top 10 Birds that can’t Fly – Flightless Birds List
Birds are characterized by their unique ability to fly; however, some birds are devoid of this characterization! For some, evolution has led to the loss of this ability. There is a huge variety of flightless birds out there. Though most of them have not gained much...
Top 12 Blonde Stereotypes List
Thanks to the abundance of movies and sitcoms, there have now been certain deep-seated stereotypes. Of course, these would not have been possible without aiming at some specific groups. We, as the rational beings, have an amazing ability to form assumptions from...