Heat Bumps or Heat Rashes or Miliaria is a condition that develops when our body is exposed excessively to the hot and humid climate. Not only are they itchy and irritating but are also unsightly! Heat bumps usually develop in those areas of the body where skin to skin contact is high such as the groin, breasts, neck etc. but, they may even develop in that part of the skin which is mostly covered by clothes such as back and chest. Our body has a natural mechanism, to cool itself – sweating. However, in some adults and mostly in babies, the sweat ducts remain closed as a result of which the sweat is not able to come to the surface of the skin and seeps into these ducts thereby forming heat bumps. Heat bumps are generally not itchy but they become so due to the continuous accumulation of sweat which results in the tearing of the lower epidermis layer.
It’s never enjoyable to notice a strange new bump in your skin and sometimes it can be downright alarming! So people, in order to prevent and get rid of this prickly heat, we bring for you ten effective remedies which, apart from being easy to carry out are also natural and healthy for any skin type. Before anything, let me advise you that a healthy diet and regular exercises are a must do for anyone looking out to keep on avoiding this nauseating condition all throughout their life. So, here we begin:
10. Applying a Cold Compress
Usually, heat bumps are temporary and can go away with some very basic treatments. Try applying some ice to soothe your skin directly or wrap it up in a towel if it is too cold for you. Try this for five to ten minutes in a three-hour interval until the rash is gone. Applying ice would cool down the skin and the bump would gradually become less prickly and would disappear with repeated use.
9. Wash your Face with a Mild Cleanser
Put up with a face wash that puts up with your skin type. Continuous and regular exposure to heat and dust may leave your skin dry and lifeless which may ultimately result in the development of heat blisters. Washing your face twice a day would ensure that dirt would not enter the clogged pores and make it even worse. So ladies keep that face wash handy and always try using it before you go to bed.
8. Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Let’s admit it that our predecessors were really smart. They had a knack for finding out easy and natural remedies to cure almost any kind of abnormal growth or diseases. Extra Virgin Olive Oil would not only make your skin supple, hydrated, smooth and shiny, it can be highly effective in curing those so very irritating heat bumps. Before going to bed ensure that you take a warm water bath and apply Extra Virgin Olive Oil on the affected area and also on the unaffected areas to keep them healthy looking. This is sure to work wonders!
7. Aloe Vera
If you have an aloe vera plant growing in your garden, you are soo reeaaalllly lucky!!! Haven’t you heard of its skin treatment abilities? Well, now you will. Cut a small portion of those thick and fleshy aloe vera leaves, split it open and apply this gel on your face, neck and other affected areas. Leave on for five to ten minutes and then wash it off to get a smooth, shining skin without bumps with regular usage. Aloe Vera is really a nectar as far as skin related problems are concerned. You can even replace it with your everyday face wash and other cosmetics, it’s really that effective.
6. Drink plenty of Water
Come summers and our body starts to get dehydrated very rapidly. Drinking water frequently ensures that our skin remains hydrated and thereby cool. This would prevent the development of any kind of skin related abnormalities. It is advisable that a person should consume at least three liters of water daily. This would keep our body clean and is also an effective weight loss remedy. Easy and highly effective, isn’t it?
5. Honey and Oats
Now, if you are someone looking for fast and effective remedies, here’s one for you. Grind some oats and make a paste by adding some amount of natural honey to it. Apply this mixture on your skin and leave on for half an hour. Rinse with warm water to get a blister free, hydrated and glowing skin.
4. Let your Skin Air- Dry
Regular use of towels can lead to friction on the skin which in turn is one of the greatest cause of heat rashes or heat bumps. So, the next time you go for a bath, let your skin air- dry instead of using a towel to dry it. Try this remedy at least once or twice a week. Even if you are using a towel, make sure that you do not rub it too hard against your skin.
3. Loosen up your Clothes
Wearing tight fitting clothes especially when you are doing some physical activity can lead to sweat ducts being blocked. So people, during hot and humid weather, make sure that you or your baby does not go our wearing tight-fitting clothes. Try and wear loose clothes – preferably cotton ones. This would ensure that your skin remains in contact with air which will absorb extra moisture and keep your skin perfect in look and glow.
2. Use Talcum Powder
If you are a kind of a person who sweats profusely, ensure that you use talcum powder regularly. Before going to bed at night, take a bath and apply a soothing talcum powder on the affected or highly prone areas. Talcum powder would absorb the extra moisture from those areas and is therefore very effective.
1. Go Easy with your Cosmetics
Most of us have a flair for beautifying ourselves with the regular and high use of cosmetics such as creams, lotions etc. These cosmetics can actually block your pores and can make your skin highly prone to blisters and heat bumps. While it’s highly desirable to look good, make sure that you go easy with those very oily skin creams and lotions which can ultimately end up making your skin lifeless and almost artificial. In order to relieve itching, you can use calamine lotion and/or hydrocortisone cream.
Generally, heat bumps can be very effectively cured with these above-mentioned remedies but, if in case they do not help you, you must consult a dermatologist as soon as possible. So, say Goodbye to Heat Bumps!
I have done all of this and I still have an issue with hear bumps in my chest, and oddly only my chest. The bumps can be so big that they will look like a mosquito bite. Would alcohol be an option
I also have them only on my neck and upper chest. It is from sweating when I work out. I wear loose clothing and take a cool shower right after. The bumps are very small but annoying to me.
I like your tip to apply honey to any cuts that result from popping a pimple. I never would’ve thought to use honey. My nephew has very serious acne, so I think he’ll need to see a dermatologist, but I’ll pass along these tips anyways.
Can I use Aloe Vera gel instead of the plant