It all melts down to feelings; what you feel for her and what she feels for you. You might be a good expresser, but is she? It could be easy for you to walk up straight to her and confess what you truly have been feeling all along. You realize that you do like her and are pretty optimistic that she likes you too. But wouldn’t the world become a fairly easy and nondramatic place to live in if things were simplified when it comes to interpreting what she has been trying to say? Now it is your turn to be a good interpreter and understand what those signs imply. Snap out from that deep slumber, activate your senses for it is time to stop being oblivious to her unsaid words. Here are ten signs that would tell whether she likes you or you have been hallucinating lately. Go ahead and help yourself.
10. Singles you out.
You met her at a social gathering and it was you that she singled out from your group of people. Do not be shy or underestimate yourself. Of course, she is interested in you and finds you worthy of starting a conversation with. Strike on the iron while it is hot. Go and grab the chance. There are no hidden implications here. Good morning! It is time for you to carry forward the interaction.
9. Laughs and smiles openly at your blabbering.
Deep down you are well aware of the fact that yes you do blabber and utter nonsense at times. It might turn out to be often that people tell you that you lack a social filter. And eureka! There comes this girl who does not care for how careless you become of your speech and end up entertaining people. She will not mind laughing openly at your blabbering and that too without any criticizing. Make her laugh some more.
8. Would be inquisitive about your liking.
She will somehow or the other ask you about your likes and dislikes, your hobbies, career plans, about your family members including the favorite ones. Your phone gallery would interest her and so would your favorite eating joints. She will be all inquisitive and that is not because she is a secret agent from CBI. Take the opportunity and indulge in the conversation, she surely wants to know about you and your life.
7. Tries to cook your favorite dish.
So suddenly one day you find her putting a packed lunch on your desk. And there inside is nothing but your favorite dish! Doesn’t she actually deserve a sweet thank you? Well, she deserves more than that. She might never have cooked a sandwich for herself all her life and here she is cooking you your favorite meal. Here is somebody trying hard to make an impression on you. This girl is a definite keeper. P.S. It might be her first time indulging in some serious cooking. Do consider that and don’t go all critical.
6. Listens to your daily stories with patience.
Your best friend or sibling shuns you immediately as soon as you start narrating the happenings of the entire day. And then you turn to her, in the desperate need of a listener. As per your expectation, she does listen you out and that too with complete patience and interest. Well, she does that because she actually likes listening you talk and share your stories with her. That amounts to a lot.
5. Wishes you beforehand for any special occasion
Be it a competition, or a sister’s wedding, does she always ends up becoming the first one to convey best wishes? So, she remembers every special event and occasion of your life and wants you to have the time of your life in it. That very much signifies that she is more than a well-wisher here. Kindly take the signs and start being more than grateful. That would do you good.
4. Not blunt with you.
She might be a having a reputation of a being extremely blunt and straight-forward with people. But, you never got to see that side of hers as she is just a smart and bubbly person in front of you. Yes, she is a different person when you are around and it’s you who are making her that different person. Start digging in and try to discover the reason behind that altered side of hers when around you. To your amazement, you’d find that she has a crush on you.
3. Would avoid making eye contact for long
Now, this is one relative factor. Not all girls are shy and you need to be more attentive and alert while looking out for this sign. They might or they might not avoid making eye contact for long with you. But you have to pay close attention to when they do avoid that. In that case, she will try to be confident while starting off a conversation with you but eventually would refrain from establishing a prolonged eye contact. There is a good chance that she finds you charming and as per her standards.
2. Invites you to parties
You might receive an invitation from her to some family function or even to an outing with her friends. Despite the few rendezvous between you two, she still wants you to attend her party or be a part of her merriment. She is initiating and trying her best to familiarize her circle with you and make you feel welcomed and accepted as that is important to her. Besides than saying a yes to that invitation, you need to take some initiatives too.
1.Takes better care of her looks
Does she look different from the last time you met her? She probably looks different because she made some serious efforts to do so. And the plus point is all of that was to please you. She is taking her chances here to get you to notice her and that dash of kohl in her eyes and the new hairstyle that took her half an hour to be done with. Every girl likes a compliment and enjoys attention from the people that she truly likes.
Whatever took you so long need not be pondered over anymore. Go through these pointers again and again for it is still not that late. Pick up those signs and stop being an idiot. No need to waste time and be all narcissistic emerged in congratulating yourself to have discovered that she likes you. While you would be busy making merry, another sensible guy would charm her and take her away. And now that you have got a better insight into her feelings, go and impress her. But, always remember that being a gentleman is a virtue.