There are many shades to that gray matter of yours! While some remain known, others are deep into obscurity. No matter how busy we hold ourselves to be, if someone is to be termed as active, it should be our brains. Be it in our waking or sleeping hours, it functions and operates without fail. Try imagining a brain that does not carry out its functions. If you are not able to comprehend its implications, maybe you are not exactly aware of the uniqueness and peculiarity of the human brain. Here are 15 amazing unknown particulars about the human brain that might leave you with a jaw-dropped face. There certainly is more to that mysterious and intriguing part of our anatomy. It is time you get a chance to familiarize yourself with those.
No pain receptors
Many of us must have seen Mc. Dreamy aka Dr. Shepherd in Grey’s Anatomy performing brain surgeries. We surely were often amazed to see a few patients lying conscious on the operation table with their heads open. Such operations were possible only because of the lack of pain receptors in the brain. This makes it possible for the surgeons to operate on the brain without the patient feeling a thing. Kind of a eureka!
Size of the brain
We see that infants seem to have bigger heads in proportion to their bodies. It certainly makes them look cute as well as funny. The main reason behind this is the fact that they already have fully grown brains. This is why their skulls look bigger. As and when they grow, the size of their brain remains constant. Therefore the size of their heads gradually becomes proportionate to their bodies.
We have innumerable ideas everyday, or perhaps every other moment. Ever tried counting the number of those thoughts? You certainly would lose track of the number. To help you out with it, a human brain on an average generates 70,000 thoughts everyday. You might not confess being much of a thinker, but your brain surely would agree to it.
100,000 miles of axons
This might come as a very shocking surprise, but it is true. There are about 100,000 miles of axons in our brain. If connected, these have the capacity to wrap the Earth nearly four times! For those still wondering what an axon is, it is nothing but a long projection of the nerve fiber. It is responsible for transmitting information from one neuron to another.
More active during sleep
The brain is far more active during our sleeping hours than our waking hours. This would be clearer with the help of an instance. We have dreams and thoughts every night. Occasionally they reflect the happenings of our day. This definitely is a high-level activity of the brain which plays out our daily actions in our dreams. Often some dreams are pretty metaphorical. Dreams, so far have been one of the most intriguing aspects in the world of neurological sciences.
Stores 1 quadrillion pieces of information
The human brain is a powerful storehouse of information. When we talk of information, it implies all the bits and pieces of facts and knowledge that we ever come across in our lives. Nothing that we experience ever skips our brain. It may just shift from a level of consciousness from another. All that is needed to bring about the tiniest of repressed information is therapy. By the end of the day, you can rely on your brain to store all the information.
Dehydration affects brain
Our gray matter constitutes of 73% water. Hence it is necessary to keep oneself hydrated all the time. Even a little dehydration of up to 2% can be a reason for affecting your attention span, memory and a host of other cognitive skills. So it is always a good advice to keep yourself hydrated, especially in summer days.
Develops till the age of 40
The human brain develops till the age of 40. It is not about the size, but of the cognitive skills and functions that it performs. While the size of the brain of a two-year-old gets relatively stable, its capacity to carry out intricate functions naturally develops. By the time, you reach your 40’s most of the functions of the brain are likely to have reached its peak.
Fast processor
Our brain processes information at an unbelievably high speed of 260 miles per hour. This is the reason why we can respond to stimuli in a fraction of seconds. All our reflex actions depend on this high speed of processing.
Reading aloud is good
Children should be encouraged to read aloud from storybooks. This would enhance their creative thinking skills. Doing so would be a great cerebral exercise. The brain pathways get developed in the meantime. The next time your child refuses to switch off the television out of boredom, encourage him to read a book instead.
Size does not matter
The size of the human brain does not matter. It is not directly proportional to the intelligence of the individual. Had that happened, all the men would have been the brighter ones as compared to women, having 10% bigger brains than women. The best example that can be taken into consideration can be that of Albert Einstein whose brain was 10% smaller than the average size.
Multitasking is bad for brain
Many hold the ability to multitask as a virtue. But your brains would not agree to it. Multitasking very often causes the brain to switch from one task to another every instant. If carried on for long, this may lead to affected attention span and short-term memory. Refrain from making it a habit.
The coma-effect
We are certainly quick to take sleeping pills. While we assume that it is putting us in a deep sleep, it is doing something rather bewildering. It puts the brain into a state that is pretty similar to that of coma. It is always prescribed not to pop up those pills without a certified prescription.
Absence of blood could be fatal
If the blood flow to the human brain is to be stopped, then the individual would manage to live for about 10 seconds. And then, he would pass out. It is a wonder how the brain manages to function even for ten seconds without the blood supply!
Mirror neurons
Thanks to the mirror neurons in our brains, we can empathize with others. Going by the name, it implies that we can feel others’ pain even if we are not the ones experiencing it. The same can be said while experiencing the site of a trivial accident, causing us to flinch.
Our brain is far more capable than we think it to be.