Rare intellect opens up a door in the world which allows in more light. We start learning the moment we enter into this world and then we end up choosing a single path which we think is our destiny. But in between chaos happens which changes us and the world around us. We learn what we see, we learn what we hear. Every single word we hear or read changes our beliefs consciously or subconsciously. Words create our thoughts which in return changes our lives. Movies and books are the source of external forces which make us hear and read things which can knock your life out of its ordinary route and change the person within us. These movies and books shape our soul and set new perspectives.
Here is the list of 15 movies and books that can change your life forever.
Mrs. Dalloway
-By Virginia Woolf
If you have not read Virginia Woolf then you are definitely missing out a very good literature. She declared in one of her essays that ‘we are trembling on the verge of the great ages of English Literature’, and later gave us one of the great story. The protagonist of this book, Mrs. Dalloway, embodies struggle with herself and with the circumstances in her life. She is a high-society woman in post World war I England who suffers from depression and conceals a troubled past within herself. This book makes us wonder about the weight of obligations we all feel around us. Once we figure out ‘What the hell we’re doing’, we see changes within us.
The Secret
-Rhonda Byrne
The Secret denotes ‘the law of attraction’ which discovers secret in every aspect of life. It revolves around the concept of the strength of our will. This mystical book explains how our mental strength affects our life. ‘Law of attraction’ is all about a philosophy which states-like attracts likes’ and the ‘pure energy’ from which people and their thoughts are made of. This book teaches us how to live a peaceful and content life. The phrase ‘It’s all in the mind’, is true and everyone should understand its importance. The author unveils a ‘secret’, which she believes has been existing for centuries. Author says-‘It has been passed down through the years, highly coveted, hidden, lost, stolen, and bought for vast sums of money’. This book can change your life by providing ways to use laws of attraction in the areas of relationships, health and wealth.
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time
-By Mark Haddon
A very few books are written for special people. These people generally don’t feature in your regular books. This book is about a 15-year-old Christopher who suffers from behavioral disorder and also happens to be a brilliant mathematician. The author is adamant that it’s not a single disorder. This book has originality, humor and compassion which will change your thinking. I believe it will make you think about all the preconceived notion in our society towards such special people.
How to Win Friends and Influence People
-By Dale Carnegle
This book is a treat for introverts. It gives you some awesome practical advice on how to help people. It says- ‘You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you.’ If you want to be successful in your life then you must have good rapport with people. This book teaches how to make people like you and cooperate with you. It can change your life by providing new vision, ambitions and thoughts. This book also gives you many happy moments in its narration.
As a Man Thinketh
-By James Allen
You can read this book in just two hours. But its profound and powerful idea will surely influence you in those two hours. A man’s character and his thoughts are spontaneous so he must find truth in his soul connected with his being. A simple message-‘As you think, you shall become’, is conveyed vividly. This book helps you achieve purity of life which inculcates happiness and confidence in you. Self-control, serenity, intellect and calmness must be learned in order to be successful. Heart should gravitate towards all the things you love and it should be peaceful, it should follow-‘Peace, Be still’.
Think and Grow Rich
-By Napoleon Hill
The author of this book took over 25 years for the research of its content, and the results are remarkable. Napoleon Hill personally interviewed legends like Thomas Edison, Henry ford, Theodore Roosevelt, Alexander Bell, Rockefeller and John D. In his research he found the common traits which made these legends rich and powerful. How these legends are different from rest of the people, and many such questions were answered in this book. Believe it or not but this book is a goldmine of information and will definitely quench your thirst for knowledge. This book teaches you how to be successful.
The 7 Habits of highly effective people
-By Stephen R. Covey
This book makes you think and observe things around you in a clear perspective. It gives you 7 simple rules which can make a difference in your life. It will help you grow into a more effective person and your personal and professional life will improve drastically. This books conveys this message in a nutshell- ‘If you want to change your life then you must change your thoughts and attitude.’ It’s a set of inspiration and aspiration standards which can change the purpose of your being.
Here are few movies which can change your life-
Silver Linings Playbook
-By David O. Russell
This phenomenal movie will blow your mind. This movie questions the basic insecurities in our lives and answers them beautifully. It is all about accepting your imperfections. It teaches you love yourself despite all your flaws and mistakes. We all should accept the stigma of mental illness instead of judging it. This movie is about the broken souls, the outcasts and those who are forced to live on margins of society. After watching this movie we observe that it advocates emotional redemption and faith-based perception of mental illness.
Into the Wild
-By Sean Penn
A book turned into a movie is for all the reckless souls and wanderlust travelers. A young student in search of an adventure, walks out of his settled life, into the wild. This movie for those who are constantly searching for better, who always want more from life. Henry David Theroux and Walden fans will purely enjoy this reel. This movie teaches the true meaning of happiness and you will see how happiness is comes around in the most unexpected places. A fearless risk-taker encounters a series of character of American society who changed his life in his quest. This movie certainly changes the way we see things in life and teach us to follow our dreams.
-By Greg Mottola
The movie, Adventureland, will definitely change lives of all those adolescents who have yet to figure out their life goals and paths. This movie will resonate with you with its comical timings. This movie is highly recommended for those young adults who are trying to figure out their lives. This movie understands the folly of youth and it can change your life by teaching you how wonderful is to live so passionately.
-By James Cameron
Everyone has watched Titanic and has fallen in love with its theme song, but it has more to offer than just the story of Titanic. This remarkable movie is filled with romance and excitement. The infamous historical event is combined with a tragic love story. This movie is historically accurate and teaches people about how love prevails even in times of death. Moments when the captain goes down with the ship, the band kept on playing till the ship sank and architect not trying to save himself; will make you emotional. This movie will restore your faith in humanity at some point and this can change you.
V for Vendetta
-By James Mc Teigue
‘Politicians lie to hide the truth, artists tell lies to reveal it’, with these notions this movie tells the tale of near future England under control of an oppressive governance. A man named V tries to destroy this governance through his notorious ways. This movie has a dark theme and filled with complex dialogues filled with high dollar words. It supports the notion –‘People shouldn’t be afraid of their government. Governments should be afraid of their people’. This movie convinces us to at least allow new ideas into our lives, even if we don’t agree with them. This movie at the end teaches us about creating a world we enjoy living in.
The King’s Speech
-By Tom Hooper
This inspiring movie is based on the true story of the Duke of York, who struggles with his speech impediment. This hilarious and moving story is told with the backdrop of a critical juncture in modern history. It shows the emergence of friendship and professional relationship between strangers. You will feel overwhelmed by this touching and inspiring movie. This human drama will definitely convey powerful message to your subconscious and your thoughts can change your perspectives.
Shawshank Redemption
-By Frank Darabont
Shawshank Redemption is voted as the best movie of all times. This movie is a story of a falsely accused banker who spends 20 years in Shawshank state prison. He experiences the brutality and injustice beyond the prison. This movie is a harsh reminder about cruelty of humans. The inmates of the prison find themselves in some unimaginable circumstances and the only emotion they can feel is ‘hope’. You can never imagine your capabilities without hope and even time can not kill the hope of a willing man. Later you find that the beauty of hope and friendship prevails over injustice and shows how strong is the human spirit. Such strong feature is important to maintain faith and self-worth in your life.
Matrix trilogy
-By Andy Wachowski and Lana Wachowski
This movie is so awesome that we can watch it again and again. The premise of this movie is that in a dystopian future a dream world is created which is ruled by artificial intelligence. The humans are enslaved to machines as a primary source of energy. You must watch it to see how it changes the perspective of the world around you. The fans of this movie are always seen debating about its story because it represents reality and spirituality in a very grand manner. This movie suggests that the world is just a representation of what we actually perceive as reality. It can change your life because it offers grand new ideas about our mysterious world.