If you were to ask your grandparents they would tell you how even completing school was an accomplishment for many during their times. Only a handful went on to pursue degrees in college. While completing your Bachelors might have been considered a major achievement in the horse and buggy days, the climate has changed now. Nowadays almost everyone you come across is a Graduate. So under these circumstances, to better equip yourself in this raging competition, a Masters becomes inevitable. Here are 10 reasons, from higher pay to just challenging yourself, to apply for a Masters course.
10. Higher Pay
Money can always be a strong impetus for pursuing your Masters. Statistics quote that on an average, a graduate degree can increase salaries by $10,000 a year. Every 9 out of 10 students apply for Masters for purely fiscal reasons. If a Masters guarantees a hike in future salaries then hey, sign me up! And even if you believe pursuing Masters shouldn’t be founded on a desire for fiscal gain, you must admit it is an added incentive. It can help secure a future of material luxury and comfort. And all said and done, a little extra cash hurt no one!
9. Challenge Yourself
Do you consider yourself ambitious? Are you someone who likes to set goals and strives to achieve them? Do you like to constantly challenge yourself? Is life a constant race to better your past records? Masters can be extremely challenging both intellectually and emotionally. It can be a brilliant way to exercise your grey cells. And if a challenge is what you desire then a Masters could possibly provide that stimulus you are looking for in your professional life.
8. Improve chances of getting noticed in the job market
Remember hearing your parents or your teachers asking you to work harder or otherwise how you wouldn’t stand a chance with the breakneck competition in the outside world? You probably considered them a nag. Well, they weren’t kidding. Around 24 lakh students graduate every year in India alone. Yes, you heard me right! In such a scenario, what do you do to stand out? I mean, have you ever wondered why any company should pick you? Well think about it because it’s a question you get asked at interviews. But having that Masters degree could just possibly get you noticed.
7. Meet like minded people
Everyone likes to hang out with people having the same wavelength, people who share your interests, your ideas and your principles. And it’s not just that, meeting people also opens up whole new avenues. It’s an education in its own right. The people you meet while doing your Masters usually go on to become your colleagues, they challenge you and more often than not it’s these peers of yours who keep you on your toes with healthy competition!
6. Study longer
Are you someone who loves school? Does the prospect of leaving school frighten you? Well, a Masters will keep you in school just a little longer. Believe it or not, there are many among us who enjoy school and would love to continue studying as long as resources permit. And there are others who just want to stay away from the real world struggles for a little longer. So if you are someone who doesn’t mind the rigorous cycle of assignments, classes and the like and if funds aren’t a matter of concern then pursuing a Graduate degree would be a brilliant opportunity to stay put in school for a year or two.
5. Better jobs
Many jobs call for a Graduate degree in their profiles. The reasons for this could range from the requirement of a higher skill-set to the designation a Masters furnishes you with. So if you desire to apply to these jobs a Masters is mandatory. Many have their eyes set on the top jobs. No one wants to remain stagnant in a particular position. Advancement is something everyone yearns for. Promotion tends to motivate us and lends a direction to our careers. Getting noticed for such promotions or even higher paid jobs in other companies entails a Masters as it enhances your eligibility.
4. Earn more Respect
Imagine your name with an M.S. or M.B.A. or even better, a PhD behind it! Sounds good, doesn’t it? Have you ever noticed how telling someone that you completed your Masters in such and such can spark their interest? A fancy degree earns you the respect of those around you. Now don’t get me wrong, a Masters isn’t a requisite for commanding respect. But let’s face it, ‘a PhD’ does sound better than ‘college pass out’ does. And what’s more, even you tend to pride your achievements and respect yourself more!
3. Don’t know what to do next?
You have successfully completed college, finally. But what next? The world is your oyster! You could take up a job, maybe? But no, you don’t really fancy any of the jobs. Nor does your family’s financial status really dictate your options. You find yourself clueless when it suddenly strikes you. Why not Masters? There is no dearth of colleges or courses to pick and choose from. If only to pass the time you can choose to apply for a Masters course.
2. Specialize in area of interest
College? Done and dusted! You chose a subject really dear to your heart for your Under Graduation and have completed it successfully. Now you want to specialize further in this discipline and why not, knowledge is power after all. So you apply for a Masters in your area of interest. A Masters can help prepare you for better performance in your career too. It imparts the necessary experience and knowledge to give you an edge over others in your field of expertise. So should you happen to have completed your Bachelors in say, Physics then you could go on to pursue a Masters to learn more on the subject and become the best in your field. And if things go right, you could even go on to complete your Ph.D.! Also for those hoping to zero in on a particular domain within your discipline, a Masters is advisable. This is something we usually come across in the field of medicine. Medical students on completion of their M.B.B.S. usually opt for a specialization such as neurology, pediatrics, general surgery, etc.
1. A Change in Careers
In a country where most pursue an engineering degree and then look to take up Masters in something that isn’t even remotely connected, it is no wonder this bagged the first spot on this list. How many people have you observed completing their Under Graduation and then going on to pursue an MBA? Quite a few, I’m certain. For those who do not find their current careers satisfying or fulfilling enough, a change in career is inevitable for a happier future and indisputably, pursuing a Masters is the best and most apparent option available for them. And who knows, the dream job you fancy could be just a Masters degree away!
Every year India ships out students in masses to countries like the U.S.A., U.K., Australia, Singapore, Malaysia and so on. Such is the magnetism of a Graduate degree. With the heavy interest showered on higher studies, it is time our government looked to encourage and facilitate better Graduate programs in our country.
I completely agree with your viewpoints that earlier having a graduate degree was a big deal for anyone but today the competition is increasing and in order to set oneself apart from the other there is a need to apply for masters in order to get a higher paying job.