You’re probably bored with your life right now and looking for something to spice it. With all the usual routine in our life, especially with work, it’s normal to feel tired. If you want some changes and a not-so-normal career in a good way, then check this...
Category - Bizarre
10 Strange Facts Relating to Valentine’s Day
Every 14th of February, Valentine’s Day is celebrated by millions of individuals. But up to what extent you are familiar with this celebration and just how it began? Here are the 10 intriguing or fascinating facts that would clarify things that you are not aware...
11 Past Awful Hygiene Practices that Would Make You Feel Good About the Modern Society
Have you ever thought that you are messy? Haven’t you cleaned your apartment for quite a while or do your weeklong laundry? Some strange reek coming out of your fridge? No worries! People have improved concerning their hygiene. These are some of the past awful...
10 Bizarre Cat Breeds in the World
Almost everyone loves cats to be their pet. People’s fascination with these cats can be seen on the internet with millions of memes and videos available online. There are familiar cat breeds like Persian and domestic cats, which are commonly seen in our community...
5 Weirdest Flowers in the World
Everyone loves flowers especially women! An ideal gift for anniversaries or birthdays and often used at weddings or special occasions. At home, it can add beauty to your garden and lighten up your place. Flowers give joy and peace. Every flower has unique...
6 Halloween-Like Traditions Around the World
Halloween is a celebration observed in many countries. But did you know that not all countries celebrate this tradition? Not all kids in the world prepare their Halloween costumes and trick-or-treat bags. The United States and Canada have made Halloween celebration...
10 Smelly Foods that are Worth Eating. Promise!
These food items are definitely worth tasting. Smells good, tastes good? Think Again. By default, our sense of smell would easily indicate the taste of the food we eat because we are programmed to believe that what smells good also taste good. However, it is not always...
13 Unusual Customs in the World that Really Exist
In this era, when traveling becomes affordable to most and the world becoming a small global village, it is important to educate ourselves on certain customs whenever we navigate. Of course, we do not want to offend our hosts and labeled discourteous because we are...
25 of the World’s Most Dangerous Bugs
Million of species such as bugs that exist nowadays play an essential role in our environment. We need these species, there’s no escape. Though almost all of them are considered to transmit diseases. For sure, we really don’t like insects and of course the...
25 Weirdest Animals in the World
We have already provided the list of Most Dangerous Wild Animals and Smartest Animals on the planet. But some animals in this world look weird and very different from the rest. From the inhabiting sea life creatures to four-legged ones found in the land, evolution came...