Archive - July 2015

Top 10 Foods you must not eat when you are Pregnant

not eat when you are Pregnant

Every mother wants the best care for her baby. But most of the women while pregnant are not properly aware of which foods to avoid. Pregnancy is the most awaited and beautiful phase in a woman’s life. It brings a complete change in the body of a woman. It is also the most sensitive period in a woman’s life. So it becomes essential to understand...

Top 10 Best Magicians ever Born on Earth

The only word that we are very attracted right from our childhood is ‘magic’. Magic can be used to create  illusion to experience a change that is actually unforeseen. The world of magic and magicians has always been a source of entertainment and excitement for its audiences. Many great magicians have gained prominence and fame in the world for...

Top 10 Most Dangerous Dog Breeds

Dangerous Dog Breeds

A dog is a man’s best friend, and rightly so. The sight of a big fur ball with floppy ears, a wide pink tongue (ready to lick you at the drop of a hat!) and a wagging tail surely perks up one’s day and boosts one’s energy, especially if one has been having a hard one. All a dog needs are something to chew onto and a bit of your heart, and he will...

Top 12 Most Dangerous Sports

Most Dangerous Sports

Simple things are simply not worth doing. If you believe in this phrase then extreme sports were invented just for you! These sports will leave you with racing heartbeats, faster breaths, speeding mind and a smile. A smile due to the fact that you conquered a sport which required courage and very few people dared to do it. So if you are brave...

Top 10 Traits that are Unique to Indian People

Indian People

Incredible India. Incomparable India. Interesting India. Three meaningful phrases to describe this gorgeous subcontinent located at the Southern part of Asia. Starting from the history, cuisines, ethnic values, cultures, locations, monuments, heroes, songs, movies, architectures, attire to festivals, everything about India is different and special...

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