Archive - July 2015

8 Ways To get Rid Of Ants Naturally from your Home

get Rid Of Ants Naturally

Have you stopped using your blender because it was attacked by ants and now it’s their territory? Do you feel creepy when you enter the kitchen and see various zig-zag trails of ants all over the floor and walls? Well, not just kitchen, ants can be secretly spying anywhere in your home, ready to invade your house. It is pretty sickening and...

Top 10 Things Germany is Known For

things germany is known for

Amidst a terrain of vast forests, mountains, and rivers, Germany, a Western European country has been a famous tourist destination for a long time. With its deep ties to the World War II, Germany has about 2 millennia of history. Besides its historical background, the country is famous for its scenic drives. Here are top 10 things that make...

Top 10 Things UK is famous for

UK is famous for

United Kingdom, located at the northwestern shore of Europe, was the world’s first industrialized country and still possesses substantial influence in terms of culture, science, economy, politics and military globally. Distinguished for its music, books, movies like Harry Potter, its exports, from giving the world some of the best musicians to its...

Top 15 Health Benefits of Yogurt


Even after reading the topic are you still interested in reading the content? Okay! Then I guess you prefer natural stuff over the supplements available in the market. So here we are talking about yogurt. Some may carry the myth that yogurt and curd are the same for them Yogurt is made by fermentation of milk by a bacteria and Curd is a dairy...

Top 10 Myths about Hinduism that are not True

“The purpose of all major religious traditions is not to construct big temples on the outside but to create temples of goodness and compassion inside, in our hearts.” – Tenzin Gyatso, 14th Dalai lama. Yes the quote says it all. Our religion what so ever it may be Hindu, Islam, Christianity, and Sikhism etc. teaches us to be a good and a noble soul...

70+ Beautiful Tattoo Ideas for Girls

Tattoo Ideas for Girls

How many tattoos do you have? None? WELL, NOW IS THE TIME TO GET ONE! Tattoos are something that are directly personal to you. Some bring back splendid memories whereas some just give us a ride back to our past. However good or bad the reason maybe, we get tattoos done because we don’t want to forget that particular point in our lives from...

Top 10 Deadliest Flowers and Plants List

Ever heard of ‘cute killers’? Let’s get acquainted with them now. They might look as pretty as a picture but some of these beautiful products of nature are best when avoided. Over millions of years, these plants have devised some insidious ways to wend off potential threats. Not just deadly neurotoxin thorns capable of puncturing...

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