Author - ListAKA

Immune Boosting Foods - Carrots

10 Immune Boosting Foods

A well-balanced diet with a variety of food options provides the body with the right amount of nutrients to keep it healthy. Below are the 10 foods to boost your immune system. These foods offer health benefits and can lower the risk of catching a cold, flu and other...

Reasons to Wash Your Hands - prevent the spread of germs

Top 5 Reasons to Wash Your Hands

Approximately there are 1500 bacteria per square centimeter of your skin on hand. And the best way to prevent any illnesses caused by bacteria is through proper handwashing. But washing alone is not enough to stop the spread of germs and bacteria. Take note that after...

Healthiest Countries - Australia

World’s 10 Healthiest Countries

You’ll be interested in the rankings below by Bloomberg Healthiest Country Index if you’re looking to stay abroad in a healthy country. The ranking is based on different factors such as environmental (like sanitation and clean water) and life expectancy...

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