Archive - June 2015

12 Most Tourist Friendly Countries in the World

Most Tourist Friendly Countries

Someone has rightly said ‘It feels good to be lost in the right direction’. Like exploring new places? Make sure even the country that you choose treats you well. Travelling to new places is always a fun thing. If the people from those places are friendly, then the experience is blissful. Travelling is a passion for many. Such people...

18 Ways to Spice up your Long Distance Relationship

Long Distance Relationship

One of the toughest kinds of relationships, and yet one of those who everyone wants to experience. Yes, it’s a long distance relationship that some people, once in a lifetime, always want. Long distance is something that melts people. It is difficult to maintain one and that’s a very mainstream statement to make. It is the best way to...

10 Scariest and Most Horrifying Deep Sea Creatures

horrifying deep sea creatures

Although on land we humans rule, in the sea, it’s aquatic creatures who rule. There’s a mysterious world deep below the ocean surface, which is beautiful but also scary. The deep sea is actually the largest habitat on earth.  But still, a lot of it is unexplored. Deep-sea research is vital because this area is a part of the biosphere...

12 Tips to Live a Frugal and Simple Life

Simple Life

‘Desire is the root cause of all sorrows’, said Buddha. Keeping this in mind, it only makes sense that you avoid all unnecessary luxuries in order to find true contentment. Living a simple and frugal life can have many benefits, like avoiding waste and helping the society, besides finding that not getting caught in the vicious cycle of desire and...

10 Things Every 90’s Child would Relate to

90s Child

90’s have been the time for all those kids who have been very adamant about their television habits, their eating habits and their partying habits. Oh yes, it was one hell of a journey back then. It was a beautiful phase for most of them and for the rest of them was a struggle to run away from parents and watch the next episode of their...

Neem Oil and its 10 Important Uses

neem oil uses

Who wouldn’t have heard of neem and the magical powers it possesses? It is an amazing gift from nature! With unsurpassed and medically proven health and beauty benefits, it is one of the most influential and sought after herb. Neem (Azadirachta indica)is an ancient evergreen tree, which is pervasive to the Indian subcontinent, common as an...

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