Archive - June 2015

10 Quick, Simple and Healthy Breakfast Ideas

Healthy Breakfast Ideas

Breakfast has been considered as the most important meal by expert nutritionists. Studies suggest that people who are likely to skip breakfast encounter problems with weight, cardiac health and attention spans. Since it mostly gets near to impossible for us to have a patient breakfast due to early working hours and busy schedules here are some...

How to Smell Good all Day? 8 Simple Effective Tips

How to Smell Good

“Ew, she smells like rotten egg.” This is the definition of a nightmare in one sentence! Whether you are hugging your friend or standing close to a stranger on a bus, you don’t want people to hold their breath because of your odor. Good smell not only makes you ten times for attractive but also gives a huge boost to the confidence level. It makes...

10 Bad Hindu Rituals that must be Abolished

Bad Hindu Rituals

Hinduism is a religion of nearly 900 million people. It is one of the oldest religions in the history, dating back to 1400 BC. Hinduism is effectively diversified culturally and religiously. Hinduism recognizes nearly 330 million gods where Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva are majorly celebrated deities. It is considered to follow the eternal duties also...

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